A Manual of Linguistic Fieldwork and Structures of Indian Languages
Anvita Abbi, Ph.D.
This is a manual on linguistic field methodology with special reference to structures of Indian languages. It covers all that one needs to know about eliciting data from native speaker informants of South Asian languages. The book contains step-by-step information about collection, collation, analysis, description, presentation and explanation of linguistic data.
The author has drawn a large number of first-hand collected examples from lesser-known and 'tribal' languages of India to expose the readers to the variety and diversity of linguistic data available in the subcontinent. In addition to the discussion on elicitation on phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic and sociolinguistic information, the author has discussed the linguistic characteristic features of each language family of India. The book makes the reader aware of areal features of the languages under consideration and the contact phenomena to facilitate fieldwork. Each topic is followed by 'elicitation tips' and interrogation techniques for the field worker as well as practical issues, problems and solutions as regards collection of data.
Sets of questionnaires on commonly investigated topics are included in the 'appendix' to facilitate fieldworker to come to grips with the theoretical and structural aspects of languages in general and Indian languages in specific.
Numerous figures, maps and tables.
Lincom Europa/ Lincom Handbooks in Linguistics 17.
Freibadstr. 3, D-81543 Muenchen, Germany
ISBN 3 89586 401 3

Simplified Grammar of Tamil
K. Karunakaran, Ph.D.
"Though this Grammar is based on the structural linguistics principles and techniques of description, it presents the technical information in simple language. It is a sort of reference pedagogical grammar, especially for learning Tamil as a second/foreign language. . . Tamil is spoken by 80 million people. It is spoken in Tamilnadu, India, and in many other states of India, and in other parts of the world such as Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, Fiji Islands, and Mauritius. . . A grammar of this kind, it is hoped, will be of great help in learning Tamil as a second or foreign language. The book has four sections: Introduction, Phonology and Writing System, Grammar, and Sandhi Rules."
Suvita Publishers
110, T. P. Koil Street
Triplicane, Chennai - 600005, India

Tamil-English Pedagogical Dictionary-cum-Grammar
K. Karunakaran, Ph.D.
"The Dictionary-cum-Grammar presented in this volume is primarily intended for the learners of Tamil as a second language, through the medium of English. It contains approximately 4000 entries most of which are basic and common words, along with the morphological structures and base forms (followed by sufixes). . . The Pedagoical Dictionary-cum-Grammar presented here will not only help the learner in acquiring the vocabulary, but also help to build up grammatical forms with nouns and verbs, as base forms. That is, the learner will find it simple and easy to identify the base forms (roots) and suffixes, which occur in a definite order in the morphological constructions. The ultimate aim of this kind of presentation is to make it electronic, so as to include large stock of noun and verb paradigms, in an exhaustive way. The entries included here constitute the commonly used basic and core vocabulary in the Modern Written Tamil."
Nanadhini Publications
176, East Car Street
Chidambaram, Tamilnadu, India