"Party of Eunuchs, Elizabeth Taylor of Indian Politics,
Tilak, Tarazu aur Talwar Inko Maro Jute Char," Etc.
Throughout history, politicians have used various methods, such as pamphlets, circulars, fliers, billboards, bumper stickers, or similar forms of written communication, whistle-stop speeches, and political rallies, to achieve their primary goal of winning votes. However, over the years, politicians have found that it is most advantageous to use political advertising to persuade voters. Because political advertising, unlike product advertising, endeavors to get results in a short period of time, political advertising becomes more aggressive in its approach.
Political practitioners use several kinds of aggressive political advertising
strategies like image-building, and opponent's image-demolishing advertisements
to achieve their goal. In political advertisements, opponent's image-demolishing
advertisements fall under the category of negative advertising. Although there
existed no rule against using political advertising, prior to the 1977 general
election, candidates usually used issue or image ads at the beginning of a campaign
to establish their positive image and then used negative ads at the end of the
campaign to attack the opponent. However, in India, those strategies were abandoned
in the post-emergency period.
A linguistic analysis of the political slogans used by various Indian political
parties makes us believe that the significant trend in today's political advertising
in India is the increasing use of negative political advertising. In modern
day India, political leaders provide "opium" to the masses in abundant
quantity through their negative comic verbal gimmickry.
In today's political campaigns, candidates, who may challenge the incumbent
political party, use negative ads from the beginning of a political campaign.
In the recently held general election to the Indian Parliament, negative political
advertising reached such a "low" level that the Supreme Court of India
hinted at making political mud-slinging as an electoral offence, if various
political parties did not stop indulging in such an "undemocratic"
During the hearing of an appeal, seeking a ban on the telecast of surrogate
advertisements by different TV channels across the country, the Supreme Court
warned that it would consider making slanderous advertisements an "electoral
offence". The Court warned that If there was political mudslinging, it
wouldl make it an electoral offence under the Representation of People Act.
A Bench consisting of the Chief Justice V N Khare, and Justices S B Sinha and
S H Kapadia directed the Election Commission (EC) to frame broad guidelines
to stop the telecast of surrogate political advertisements on TV channels and
cable networks within three days. EC's counsel K. K. Venugopal and S Murlidhar
said that, in order to implement the orders of the Court, the Commission had
to accomplish a huge task, considering there were 83 private channels, 33,000
cable operators, six national political parties, 45 regional ones, and 702 registered
political parties.
Faced with the ticklish issue of monitoring political advertisements in the
wake of the Supreme Court directive, the Election Commission favored clearance
of all such ads by it before these were telecast or published. Observing that
it would be difficult to monitor the political advertisements on the vast cable
network and TV channels as directed by the Apex Court, the Commission decided
to follow the above solution to tackle the issue. The entire episode simply
indicated how negative the political advertising was in the 2004 general election.
A brief analysis of the language used during 2004 election campaigning reveals
that calling names was an all-time favorite game of most of the Indian politicians
in this election campaign. Whether it was the question of national identity
of Sonia Gandhi (Videshi mool), or the age factor of Atal Bihari Vajpayee,
their political opponents continued to engage in political mud-slinging in 2004.
Even a cursory glance over these political remarks will give some idea about
the intensive nature of mud-slinging
Pramod Mahajan of Bharatiya Janta Party nicknamed Sharad Pawar, the leader
of National Congress Party, the Elizabeth Taylor of Indian Politics.
Ball Thackerey called the Congress Party a Party of Eunuchs.
Mayawati of Bahujan Samaj Party coined a vitriolic slogan Tilak,
Tarazu Aur Talwar Inko Maro Jute Char (The three
upper casts should be kicked).
Sharad Pawar, leader of the National Congress Party compared Thackeray, the
leader of Shiv Sena to an emaciated tiger.
Laloo Prasad Yadav, the chief of Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), known for his
witty and earthy remarks, asked the RJD supporters at an election meeting in
Chapra, Lathi utthavan, tel pilaavan, Bhaajpa bhaghaavan. "Take
your lathis, oil them well and chase the BJP out."
During his campaign in Barh constituency, Laloo Prasad Yadav coined the slogan
in his typical witty style Bahubali ko crore, dal badloo ko lakh, janata
ko mila khaak, yehi hai sukhad ahsas (Crore to the muscle-man, lakh
to political defector, nothing for people, this is the feel good factor).
A close look at these political remarks show that they are meant to communicate
political truth (at least from the encoder's perspective), but the truth is
negatively packaged, attacking the opponent's character and record rather than
supporting one's own. If there is a single trend obvious in the recent Indian
political advertising, it is the increasing proportion of negative political
advertising. At least a third of all spot commercials in recent campaigns has
been negative, and, in a minority of campaigns, half or more of the spots were
negative in tone or substance.
It leads us to the question why do Indian political practitioners increasingly
use negative political advertising now? Do they think negative ads are the most
effective way to persuade voters in a short period of time in order to win an
election than the positive political advertisings like:
1. Congress ka haath aam nagrik ke saath (Congress'
hand, common man's hand).
2. Unke kaam aur balidaan, hamari disha, desh ka maan (Their
work and sacrifice [referring to Rajiv Gandhi and Indira Gandhi], our vision,
country's pride).
3. Desh ki aandhi, Sonia Gandhi.
4. Akshay Atal, vote kamal.
5. Vote Atal, vote kamal.
6. India is shinning (BJP).

In the past five decades, during the Nehru-Indira era, India has seen a large
number of wizards of the spoken word who have made not just audiences but the
whole country dance to their tune. This tradition has been carried forward by
Atal Behari Vajpayee in recent years. It can be said without even an iota of
doubt that there is no one in the present political scenario who can match Atal
Bihari's oratory in the Hindi heartland.

Likewise, who can match Karunanidhi's oratory skills among the Tamils? These leaders can wield their respective languages in such a way that millions could be easily swayed by their rhetoric. Their wit, sarcasm, analysis, and pun on the word in delivering their speech are some of the techniques that will always be remembered and relished.
However, a new generation of consumers of political advertising, who do not
have the 'freedom struggle hangover' demands something new and different. The
political parties recognize the changing consumer -- and capitalizes on the
wave started by political leaders like Pramod Mahajan, Laloo Prasad Yadav, Bal
Thakerey, Mayawati, and Mulayam Singh Yadav. The senior political leaders possibly
lost the opportunity of re-engineering their rhetoric brand.
The new generation of political practitioners developed a new strategy to attack
and demolish the image of their opponents. The new generation of Indian political
leaders seems to believes that negative advertising is more effective in terms
of information than positive advertising.
Researchers in a study of negativity in political perception, agreed with political
leaders and indicated that "the tendency for negative information to have
more weight than equally extreme or equally likely positive information appears
in a variety of cognitive processing tasks."
The growth of negative political advertising has drawn the attention of numerous
researchers. Most research has tried to find its effectiveness on "cognitive,
and affective components of voters responses," but the results of the research
are inconsistent. While some research supports the use of negative advertising,
others assert that attack politics evokes a boomerang effect. Hence, I chose
to present this study on two different persuasive theories: Expectancy theory
and Cognitive response theory. These theories show concern for the effectiveness
of negative political advertising.
In Expectancy theory, the relationship between language use and the effectiveness
of such language use on persuasion is highlighted. Expectancy theory assumes
that "since language is a rule-governed system, people develop norms and
expectations concerning appropriate usage in given situations." Most cultures
and societies shape their own patterns of language and determine normative or
non-normative patterns of language use. When messages conform to people's norms
and expectations, "the norms and expectations are strengthened, but the
messages exert minimal impact on attitudes." On the other hand, when "communicators,
intentionally or accidentally, violate norms governing appropriate language
usage," they violate "the expectations of message receivers, and,
in turn, affect their receptivity." If messages violate people's norms
and expectations, they can have more or less persuasive effects, depending on
the circumstances.
The theory identifies two violations: positive or negative violation. In regard
to the persuasion effects, the theory assumes that when messages positively
violate people's linguistic expectations, the violation has a positive impact
toward people's attitudes and evokes persuasive effectiveness. In contrast,
when messages negatively violate people's linguistic expectations, "a boomerang
effect occurs, with receivers changing to the position opposite to the one advocated
by the communicator. To elaborate the point further, we may cite the example
of Laloo Prasad's speech at Chapara. His witty and earthy but negative remark
Lathi utthavan, tel pilaavan, Bhaajpa bhaghaavan (Take
your lathis, oil them wel,l and chase the BJP out) might have gone positively
with Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) supporters because of it's amusing comic effect.
The question that one needs to ask here is; how does a political practitioner
manipulate the verbal resources available to him to project an attitude, to
evoke a feeling to create a particular telling effect and to achieve a total
effect. If there is no basic inherent difference between language of politics
and common language, how does a political practitioner generate heat and emotion
by using negative political advertising?
Based on the theory, it can be assumed that voters have normative expectations
about negative political advertising because such advertising is one of the
most common genres in today's politics, and, as a result, voters have been exposed
to numerous negative ads. Because most negative ads have been employed to attack
the opponent's image or issues, people may expect negative political ads to
have standard formats and intense messages. If negative political ads
conform to people's normative expectations, expectancy theory defines it as
a negative violation and predicts that it evokes negative effects toward the
On the other hand, the cognitive response model assumes that when people are
exposed to a message, they have psychological processes that determine the impact
of the message. Wright asserted that three distinct responses are identified
in the psychological process of a message acceptance: counterargument, source
derogation, and support argument. In the negative political advertising context,
counterargument occurs when voters attempt to defend the target. When counterargument
is activated, receivers would neutralize the message to reduce the discrepancy.
Source derogation involves "negative images of the sponsor ("He is
a mudslinger") or of the message ("It is misrepresentation")."
Support argument involves "negative images of the target ("He is indeed
that bad")."

The present study conducted an analysis of the cognitive responses generated
by negative political advertising on the Videshi mool
of Sonia Gandhi and found that negative political advertising produced significantly
more counterarguments, source derogations, and negative ad-related statements,
but fewer support arguments and positive ad-related statements.
The study arrived at a conclusion that "since negative advertising is
a variant of comparative advertising, [the] findings of product-related effects
of comparative advertising suggest parallel effects for negative advertising."
Research on the impact of negative political advertising also supported the
results of the present study. For example, Garramone found that negative political
advertising evokes source derogations. Wright also asserted that "source
derogation is a more frequent response to dissonance than counterargument in
situations where the source might be assumed biased."
Therefore, it can be expected that negative political advertising would be
likely to produce source derogations, in turn, causing harmful effects toward
the sponsor. According to Basil et. al., the counterproductive aspects of negative
political advertising "may arise from the fact that negative advertisements
are rated as 'effective' because the message itself is remembered, but 'ineffective'
because the candidate sponsoring the ad is harmed."
Persuasion research indicates that the more credible a source, the more persuasive
the message is. Thus, the more truthful a negative political advertising is
perceived, the greater should be its impact.
Unfortunately, during the present study, it was observed that although academic
researchers have found that negative political ads cause a backlash effect,
political consultants believe otherwise.
To support the general observations of the theories mentioned above, the present study investigated the effectiveness of negative political advertising. Survey method was used to collect desired data, and four graduate students of Jaiprakash Narayan University, Chapra ( Bihar) were employed as interviewers. Before conducting an actual survey, the interviewers were trained to understand the purpose of the present study and the contents of the questionnaire.
During two weeks of April 2004, 300 interviews with randomly selected residents of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar were completed.
Is Negative Political Advertising informative?
The figures presented in Table 1, indicate that only 15 percent of the total
respondents evaluated negative political advertising as informative, while 80.0
percent disagreed or strongly disagreed that negative political advertising
is informative, and 05% percent said that they were neutral.
Thus, it can be inferred that the overwhelming response to informative aspect
of negative political advertising was negative. It shows that the hypothesis
that Negative Political Advertising is informative was not supported
by the respondents.
Table 1
Frequency Percent
Strongly Agree 45 15.0%
Strongly Disagree 240 80.0%
Neutral 15 5.0%
Total 300 100%
Is Negative Advertising truthful and believable?
As can be seen from Table 2, almost eighty five percent of the total respondents
evaluated negative political advertising as unbelievable, while only 5.0 percent
agreed that such advertising is believable. Fifty five percent of the respondents
were neutral, and the overall mean score was 3.48. Thus, the hypothesis was
strongly rejected
Table 2
Frequency Percent
Strongly Agree 15 5.0%
Strongly Disagree 120 40.0%
Neutral 165 55.0%
Total 300 100%
Does Negative Advertising produce Negative Impact?
To test hypothesis 3 that negative political advertising will produce a negative
impact on attitudes toward both the sponsor and the target, descriptive analyses
were conducted.
As Tables 3 and 4 indicate, more than half of the respondents expressed negative attitudes toward both the sponsor and the target, while less than 30 percent expressed positive attitudes toward both candidates. Of respondents, 14.1 percent had neutral -attitudes toward the sponsor, and 23.3 percent had neutral attitudes toward the target. As predicted, hypothesis 3, therefore, is supported.
Based on the political advertisement how do you feel about the sponsor?
Table 3
Frequency Percent
Positive 90 30.0%
Negative 135 45.0%
Neutral 75 25.0%
Total 300 100%
Table 4
Based on the political advertisement how do you feel about the political
leader who is attacked in this advertisement
Frequency Percent
Positive 165 55.0%
Negative 90 30.0%
Neutral 45 15.0%
Total 300 100%
The present study investigated the effectiveness of negative political advertising
in terms of informativeness, believability, and attitudes toward both the sponsor
and the target. Before discussing the results of the present study, it should
be noted, "it is difficult to determine the effectiveness of political
[advertising]." As scholars have asserted, because many things happen simultaneously
in a real election, "it is difficult to isolate the impact of political
advertising." The present study, however, revealed many interesting effects
of negative political advertising.
The findings suggest that negative political advertising was perceived as uninformative. However, this seems contrary to the previous research, which measured information levels and political practitioners' claims concerning negative information.
As expected, negative political advertising was perceived as untruthful, and perceived truthfulness was positively related to favorable attitudes toward the sponsor and negatively related to favorable attitudes toward the target.
Although the perceived truthfulness of negative political advertising was as
expected, a minority of the respondents perceived such ads to be true. Overall,
negative political advertising produced negative evaluations of both the sponsor
and the target. Those effects are consistent with the findings of the previous
research. As scholars have noted, such a negative effect might be related to
the respondents' overall attitudes toward negative political advertising, revealing
that more than half of them expressed disapproval of using such ads.
As mentioned above, although decisive conclusions are not drawn to determine
the impact of negative political advertising, the findings of the present study
have implications for politicians, political consultants, and advertising agencies.
The findings raise doubts about using negative political advertising in a political
campaign. Scholars noted that respondents' negative attitudes toward both candidates
and their overall disapproval of negative political advertising resulted from
the increasing use of negative political advertising during the 80's general
elections, producing cynicism toward politics and declining political participation.
Because negative political advertising that identifies the sponsor and the
target hurts both candidates, when a candidate uses such advertising, it would
be better not to identify the sponsor and therefore political parties take the
help of surrogate advertising. In the recent general election, some political
parties requested a ban on the telecast of surrogate advertisements by different
TV channels. It should be noted, however, that even the existing law requires
that the sponsor be identified. Failure to faithfully report on the sposor is
the crux of the problem. Supreme Court of India also pointed this out and hinted
at making political mud-slinging as an electoral offence.
The present study observed that Indian voters with low educational background
were more influenced by negative political advertising and had more positive
attitudes toward the sponsor than the voters with better educational background.
But, these findings were not strongly supported in the present study. The findings
of the present study indicated that there was some significant difference in
evaluating informativeness, believability, and attitudes toward the sponsor
and the target between less educated and better educated. Though, both less
educated and better educated, in general, considered negative political advertising
as uninformative and unbelievable, and had negative attitudes toward both the
sponsor and the target, the less educated had more positive attitude toward
the negative advertising.
There were no significant gender differences in evaluating informativeness
and believability of negative political advertising. But, interestingly, in
terms of attitudes toward candidates, women were more negative toward the sponsor
of the negative advertising than were men.
The findings suggested that although both younger and older people agreed that
negative political advertising is not informative, older people consider negative
political advertising as less believable and have more negative attitudes toward
the sponsor than younger people.
Negative political advertising would be effective with lower income level people. They perceived negative political advertising as more informative and more believable and had more positive attitudes toward the sponsor than higher income level people.
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A. R. Fatihi, Ph.D.
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY