Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow

Volume 5 : 1 January 2005

Editor: M. S. Thirumalai, Ph.D.
Associate Editors: B. Mallikarjun, Ph.D.
         Sam Mohanlal, Ph.D.
         B. A. Sharada, Ph.D.
         A. R. Fatihi, Ph.D.



  • We are in need of support to meet expenses relating to some new and essential software, formatting of articles and books, maintaining and running the journal through hosting, correrspondences, etc. You can use the PAYPAL link given above. Please click on the PAYPAL logo, and it will take you to the PAYPAL website. Please use the e-mail address to make your contributions using PAYPAL.
    Also please use the AMAZON link to buy your books. Even the smallest contribution will go a long way in supporting this journal. Thank you. Thirumalai, Editor.


In Association with




  • E-mail your articles and book-length reports to or send it by regular mail to:
    M. S. Thirumalai
    6820 Auto Club Road, Suite C
    Bloomington, MN 55438 USA.
  • Contributors from South Asia may send their articles to
    B. Mallikarjun,
    Central Institute of Indian Languages,
    Mysore 570006, India
    or e-mail to
  • Your articles and booklength reports should be written following the MLA, LSA, or IJDL Stylesheet.
  • The Editorial Board has the right to accept, reject, or suggest modifications to the articles submitted for publication, and to make suitable stylistic adjustments. High quality, academic integrity, ethics and morals are expected from the authors and discussants.

  • Would you like to announce the dates and venues of your conferences, seminars, etc., and also publish the outline proceedings of these programs? Send a report to Language in India.

Copyright © 2005
M. S. Thirumalai

On December 26, 2004 tidal waves struck South East Asian nations, South India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and Sri Lanka, and killed thousands of men, women, and children, apart from killing numerous animals, causing damage to property, and rendering hundreds of thousands of people homeless. We have no words to describe the grief and agony that we all feel at this moment. Our prayer is that relief work will be extended to the affected swiftly with love, understanding and dedication.

Language In India is a monthly online journal devoted to the study of the languages spoken in the Indian sub-continent. We wish to present the scholarly research findings on these languages in popular language. Our focus is on language use in mass media, education and administration, speech and hearing, sociolinguistic and political aspects relating to these languages and the society in the Indian subcontinent. We wish to present the linguistic descriptions, interdisciplinary research, and current issues of importance relating to Indian languages. This online journal publishes not only articles, but also book-length reports and studies. We want to be a blessing to Indian languages, praying for "strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow." We sincerely believe that every Indian language deserves our whole-hearted support for growth and that every one can find its place in a mosaic of unity and understanding, serving each other and singing the glory of God.

We begin the fifth year of publication of Language in India with this issue. Praise God for His grace! Language in India receives over 170,000 hits every month, and is regularly accessed in over 70 countries. -- WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR! -- M. S. Thirumalai, B. Mallikarjun, Sam Mohanlal, B. A. Sharada, and A. R. Fatihi, Editors.


You can now print your favorite articles with ease and less ink! Please click on the link, given at the end of each article, which says CLICK HERE FOR PRINTER-FRIENDLY VERSION! Check it today!

Check the latest addition to the books available for you to read and download : An interesting dissertation that presents a preliminary proposal on translating Sanskrit texts using computer software.
Also read the Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights!


Map of India, courtesy: Census of India.


Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America,

International Society for Tamil Cultural Studies (Madurai),

Mylai Thiruvalluvar Tamil Sangam (Mylapore)

and other

Tamil organizations & institutions

jointly sponsor

International Thirukkural Conference

July 9-10, 2005

Washington D.C.


·        Critically analyze Thirukkural in an objective manner

·        Create an awareness of Thirukkural amongst the younger generation Indians and people of other cultures

·        compare Thiruvalluvar with other philosophers of the world (e.g. Confucius, Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Machiavelli)

·        Learn lessons from Thirukkural for fulfillment in our lives

Highlights of the Conference:

·        Participation by internationally renowned Tamil scholars and Thirukkural Researchers

·        Proceedings of the Conference in English and Tamil

·        College credits for participating students

·        Publication of a book consisting of research papers on Thirukkural both in English and Tamil

·        Prizes for the three top ranking papers ( 1st Prize - $1000; 2nd Prize -  $500,    3rd Prize - $300)

During this conference, as a souvenir, we plan to publish a book containing research articles on Thirukkural. Those who would like to have their articles published in this book and presented at the conference should first submit an abstract. Our goal is to ensure that the articles that are published in this book contain original research material on Thirukkural. A Technical Evaluation Committee consisting of eminent Tamil scholars has been formed to review the abstracts to ensure that the articles selected for publication meet the expectations in terms quality and originality of research. The authors whose abstracts are selected will be notified of the selection and requested to submit a detailed paper to be included in the book.

The following rules and guidelines shall apply to the submission of abstracts and papers for this conference publication:

  1. Abstracts should be submitted no later than August 31, 2004
  2. An author may submit more than one abstract for consideration. Articles can be in Tamil or English
  3.  Please send copies (2) of the Abstracts to the addresses listed below
Dr. T. Murugarathanam
5, 3rd Street, Theni road
Aravazhi Nagar
Palkalai nagar East
Madurai 625 021 INDIA
Dr. Sornam V. Sankar
5420 Autumn Field Court
Ellicott City, MD 21430
  1. Authors will be notified by October 15, 2004 whether their abstracts have been selected or not.
  2. Final copy of the detailed paper should be submitted no later than December 31, 2004.
  3. Abstracts and selected papers should be either printed or typed. Abstracts should be less than two standard pages and the final paper should be less than ten standard pages.
  4. The Technical Evaluation Committee will review and rank the articles based on the quality of research, originality and other suitable criteria. The top three articles will be awarded prizes. First prize - $1000; Second prize $500; Third prize $300. Also, the prize winning articles will be published in the Research Journal “Tamil World” published by the International Institute for Tamil Cultural Studies, Madurai, India.
  5. Members of the Technical Evaluation Committee may submit articles for inclusion in the book to be published. But, they are not eligible for the prizes.
  6. The authors of the papers will have the opportunity to present their papers at the conference. However, they should make their financial arrangements for travel to USA either by themselves or through grants/donations from other organizations.
  7. Authors can submit abstracts and papers on any topic that is related to Thirukkural. Listed below are some examples of topics for the authors’ consideration. However, it is not required that they should write their papers only on these topics.
    • Valluvar on Principle- Centered Living
    • Valluvar on  Purpose of Life
    • Valluvar on Political Governance
    • Valluvar on Public Administration
    • Valluvar on Personal and Interpersonal relationship
    • Valluvar and other Philosophers and Thinkers of the World
    • Thirukkural and Feminism
    • Male Morality and Thirukkural
    • Thirukkural and the Environment
    • Valluvar on Romance
    • The Relevance of Valluvar to the Modern World
    • Valluvar in Indian Thought Complex
    • The Trivarga Purushharthaas(Human Goals) of  Valluvar and the Caturvarga Purushaarthaas
    • The Religion of Valluvar
    • Valluvar in World Perspectives

If you have any questions or comments regarding the International Thirukkural Conference or regarding this notification, please send them to the email address

Dr. R. Prabhakaran


International Thirukkural Conference