Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow

Volume 13 : 1 January 2013
ISSN 1930-2940

Managing Editor: M. S. Thirumalai, Ph.D.
Editors: B. Mallikarjun, Ph.D.
         Sam Mohanlal, Ph.D.
         B. A. Sharada, Ph.D.
         A. R. Fatihi, Ph.D.
         Lakhan Gusain, Ph.D.
         Jennifer Marie Bayer, Ph.D.
         S. M. Ravichandran, Ph.D.
         G. Baskaran, Ph.D.
         L. Ramamoorthy, Ph.D.
Assistant Managing Editor: Swarna Thirumalai, M.A.


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Copyright © 2012
M. S. Thirumalai

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The Effect of Vocabulary Building on Students Academic Achievement in English Language at Elementary Level

Kifayat Khan
Dr. Muhammad Iqbal Majoka
Dr. Umbreen Ashfaq


This study was conducted to examine the study the effect of vocabulary building activities on students’ academic achievement in English language at elementary level.

The main objectives of the study were: a) to examine the difference between academic achievements of elementary level students in English taught by vocabulary building activities, and by traditional method for teaching English; b) to examine the difference between academic performance in vocabulary, compression, creative writing and language translation of students taught by vocabulary building activates and traditional lecture method for teaching English.

This study was conducted to examine the effect of vocabulary building activities on student’s performance at elementary level. This study was experimental in nature and pre-test and post-test equivalent group design was followed for this study. Following methods and procedures were adopted to conduct this study.

All the students learning at elementary level in district Haripur constituted the population of this study. A survey of the elementary schools was made to seek the feasibility of experiment. In the light of feasibility survey, GGH School Basso Maira was selected for experiment. The students of 7th class of this school were taken as participant of the study. All the student of 7th class (n=56) were divided in to two equal groups using matched sampling on the basis of test scores in pre-test. One group was taken as experimental group and other was considered as control group. To measure the effect of treatment on students’ achievement, a test was prepared under the guidance of a research committee. This test was used as pre-test as well as post-test. This test was validated using judgmental validation followed by pilot testing.

The collected data was arranged in to table and analyzed by using mean score, standard deviation and test as statistical tools. The analyzed data was interpreted in to findings of the study. Conclusions were drawn from these findings. And finally recommendations were made in the light of findings and conclusions.

The data analysis showed that activity base method for teaching vocabulary is very effective method of teaching at elementary level. It does not strengthen only the vocabulary, but also it accelerates students learning in comprehension, creative writing and language translation. On the basis of research findings, following recommendations were made a) Activity based method should be adopted for better learning. English teachers are provided in-service as well as pre-service training in vocabulary building activities. This teaching technique is made part of curriculum for Elementary teacher training programs; b) Teacher should use activities for students for better learning; and c) Further research be conducted using activity method for teaching language in large classroom to see its effect on various aspect language learning.

Key words: Gender difference; classroom management; content management; conduct management; covenant management; time management


Building a large vocabulary is essential when learning to read in second language. People with large vocabularies are more proficient readers than those with limited vocabularies (Beglar & Hunt, 1995, Luppescu & Day 1993). However, it is crucial to understand that learner can best build a large vocabulary through reading. Most recently, the national reading panels (2000) concluded that comprehension development cannot be understand without a critical examination of the role played by vocabulary knowledge. Student’s success in school mostly depends upon their ability to read with comprehension. There is an urgency to providing instructions that equips students with the skills and strategies necessary for life long vocabulary development.

This is only the beginning part of the article. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO READ THE ARTICLE IN PRINTER-FRIENDLY VERSION.

Kifayat Khan
Department of Education
University of Haripur

Dr. Muhammad Iqbal Majoka
Assistant Professor
Department of Education
Hazara University Mansehra

Dr Umbreen Ashfaq
Assistant Professor
Department of Education
University of Haripur

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