Back Issues of Language in India - From 2001

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- An Investigation into Some of the Learning Problems in
English Language Writing among Lambada Community Learners
in Andhra Pradesh ...
N. Padmamma, M.Phil.
- Teaching Writing Using Picture Stories as Tools at the High School Level: The Movement from Other Regulation to Self Regulation ...
Y. Nirmala, M.Phil.
- Current Perspectives on Education ...
Editors: P. Udayakumar, M.Sc., M.Phil., M.Ed., M.A., Ph.D. Candidate
Dr. M. Lekeshmanaswamy, Ph.D.
Dr. K. Dhanalakshmi, Ph.D.
- Acoustic Characteristics of Vowels in Telugu ...
Krishna. Y.
- Mother – Daughter Relationships: A Study of The Dark Holds No Terrors, Difficult Daughters and Fasting, Feasting ...
Jitender Singh, M.A., M.Phil., NET.
- Treatment of Violence: A Study of Morrison’s The Bluest Eye and Beloved
Shubhanku Kochar, M.Phil., Ph.D. Candidate
- Dyslexia: A Critical Study of Language Deficiency in Children and Adolescents
Vaishali Narbheram Punjani, M.A., M.Phil. B.Ed.
- Michael Ondaatje’s Anil’s Ghost and Vikram Chandra’s Sacred Games as Detective Fiction
S. Sridevi, M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed.
- A Grammar of Malayalam ...
Ravi Sankar S Nair, Ph.D.
- The Evolution of Language Laws in Post-Independence India ...
B. Mallikarjun, Ph.D.
- Impact of Commercialization on Language with Special Reference to Urdu Lexicon - Doctoral Dissertation ... Somana Fatimah,Ph.D.
- Status of English among the Kokborok and Tripura Bangla Learners in Tripura - M.Phi. Dissertation
... Swapan Debnath, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
- Communicative Language Teaching Approach at Higher Secondary Level in Bangladesh –
Teachers’ Perceptions and Classroom Practice ... Md. Khaled Bin Chowdhury, M.A. (Double)
- A Study on Personality Factors Causing Stress among School Teachers - M.Phil. Dissertation ... C. Manjula, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
- English Language Teaching
Updating the English Classroom with Techniques and Communication Skills
A Book on Current ELT ... Chandrika Mohan, M.A., M.A., M.Phil., C.G.T., Ph.D. Candidate
- A Song for the Road- Wole Soyinka’s Imagery and Tradition ... V. N. Manjula, Ph.D.
- A Linguistic Survey of Katta Varadaraju’s Dwipada Ramayanam
A Ph.D. Dissertation in Telugu ... Pammi Pavan Kumar, M.A. (Telugu) M.A. (Linguistics),
M. Phil., Ph.D. (Telugu)
- Causes of Secondary Students’ Failure in Learning English in Bangladesh - Master's Dissertation ... Mian Md. Naushaad Kabir, M.A. ELT, Doctoral Researcher
- Select Speeches of Mrs. Indira Gandhi
English to Tamil M.Phil. Dissertation ... J. Abiraami, M.A., M.Phil.
- Linguistics and Literature, Department of Linguistics Silver Jubilee Volume 1 ... Editors: C. Sivashanmugam, Ph.D., et al.
- Recent Advances in Linguistics, Department of Linguistics Silver Jubilee Volume 2 ... Editors: C. Sivashanmugam, Ph.D., et al.
- Engineering English: A Critical Evaluation - Ph.D. Dissertation
... Albert P’Rayan, Ph.D.
- Kalidasa's Shakuntala and the Doctrine of Rasa ... Tripti Mund, M.A., M.Phil.
- Evolving Strategies for Teaching Basic Vocabulary in L2 through Meaningful Input: An Ethnographic Study with First Generation Learners ... Rajakumar Guduru, M.Phil., Ph.D. Scholar
- Aspects of Autobiography in Indian Writing in English ... Editors: Pauline Das, Ph.D., K. R. Vijaya Murari, Ph.D., and Charu Sheela, M.A., M.Phil., M.B.A.
- Imagery in Donne's Songs and Sonnets ... Fatima Ali al-Khamisi, M.A.
- Parsing in Indian
Languages ... Editors: Kommaluri Vijayanand and L. Ramamoorthy
- English Language Teaching (ELT) in Saudi Arabia: A Study of Learners' Needs Analysis with Special Reference to Community College, Najran University ... Dr. Mohd. Mahib ur Rahman, Ph.D.
- Provision for Linguistic Diversity and Linguistic Minorities in India ... Vanishree V.M., MAPL and ELT, M.A., PGDHRM.
- Impact of Students' Attitudes on their Achievement in English: A Study in the Yemeni Context ... Hassan Saeed Awadh Ba-Udhan
- A Study of B.ED. Students' Attitude Towards Using Internet in Vellore District, Tamilnadu, India ... T. Pushpanathan, M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed.
- Development of a Hindi to Punjabi Machine Translation System, A Doctoral Dissertation ... Vishal Goyal, Ph.D.
- A Report on the State of Urdu Literacy in India, 2010 ... Omar Khalidi, Ph.D.
- English for Medical Students of Hodeidah University, Yemen - A Pre-sessional Course ...
Arif Ahmed Mohammed Hassan Al-Ahdal, Ph.D. Scholar
- Global Perspective of Teaching English Literature in Higher Education in Pakistan ...
Rabiah Rustam, M.S., Ph.D. Candidate
- Improving Chemmozhi
Learning and Teaching - Descriptive Studies in Classical-Modern Tamil
Grammar ... A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D.
- A Phonetic and Phonological
Study of the Consonants of English and Arabic ... Abdulghani
A. Al-Hattami, Ph.D. Candidate
- Some Aspects of Teaching-Learning English as a Second Language ...
R. Krishnaveni, M.A., M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. Candidate
- The Influence
of First Language Grammar (L1) on the English Language (L2) Writing
of Tamil School Students: A Case Study from Malaysia ...
Mahendran Maniam, Ph.D. (ESL)
- Economics
of Crime : A Comparative Analysis of the Socio-Economic Conditions of
Convicted Female and Male Criminality In Selected Prisons in Tamil Nadu... S. Santhanalakshmi, Ph.D.
- Technique as
Voyage of Discovery: A Study of the Techniques in Dante's Paradiso
Raji Narasimhan, M.A.
- A Critical
Study of The Wasteland - Poetry as Metaphor ... K. R.
Vijaya, M.A., M.Phil.
- Language and Literature: An
Exposition - Papers Presented in the Karunya University National Seminar... Editor: J. Sundar Singh, Ph.D.
- Linguistic Purism
and Language Planning in a Multilingual Context ... L.
Ramamoorthy, Ph.D.
- Papers Presented in
the All-India Conference on Multimedia Enhanced Language Teaching -
MELT 2009 ...
L. Ramamoorthy, Ph.D. and J.R. Nirmala, Ph.D.
- A Phonological Study
of Variety of English Spoken by Oriya Speakers in Western Orissa - A
Doctoral Dissertation ... Arun K. Behera, Ph.D.
- Phonological Analysis of
English Phonotactics of Syllable Initial and Final Consonant Clusters
by Yemeni Speakers of English ... Abdulghani. M. A.
Al-Shuaibi, M.A.
- Journey of Self-discovery
in Anita Nair's Ladies' Coupé ... V. Chandra, M.A.
- The Literary Value
of the Book of Isaiah ... Helen Unius Backiavathy,
M.A.,M.Phil., Ph.D. Candidate
- A Study of Structural
Duplication in Tamil and Telugu - A Doctoral Dissertation
... Parimalagantham, Ph.D.
- The Politics
of Survival in the Novels of Margaret Atwood ... Pauline
Das, Ph.D.
- Nonverbal Communication
in Tamil Novels - A Book in Tamil... M. S. Thirumalai, Ph.D.
Girish Karnad as a Modern
Indian Dramatist - A Study... B. Reena, M.A., M.Phil.
- A Study of English
Loan Words in Selected Bahasa Melayu Newspaper Articles...
Shamimah Binti Haja Mohideen, M.HSc. (TESL)
- The Internal Landscape
and the Existential Agony of Women in Anjana Appachana's Novel LISTENING
NOW, A Doctoral Dissertation ...
M. Poonkodi, Ph.D.
- Trade in the
Madras Presidency, 1941 - 1947 - A Doctoral Dissertation
R. Jayasurya, Ph.D.
- Trends and
Spatial Patterns of Crime in India - A Case Study of a District in India...
M. Jayamala, Ph.D.
- The Trading Community
in Early Tamil Society Up To 900 AD ...
R. Jeyasurya, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
- A Study of Auxiliaries
in the Old and the Middle Tamil... A.Boologarambai, M.A., Ph.D.
- History of Growth
and Reforms of British Military Administration in India, 1848-1949
Hemalatha, M.A., M.Phil.
- Language of Mass Media:
A Study Based on Malayalam Broadcasts - A Doctoral Dissertation
... K. Parameswaran, Ph.D.
- Form and Function
of Disorders in Verbal Narratives - A Doctoral Dissertation
Kandala Srinivasacharya, Ph.D.
- Status Marking
in Tamil - A Ph.D. Dissertation
... P. Perumalsamy, Ph.D.
IN COMMUNICATION... Editors: Jennifer M. Bayer, Ph.D., and Pushpa Pai, Ph.D.
- Onomatopoeia in Tamil
V. Gnanasundaram, Ph.D.
- Linguistics
and Literature ...
C.Shunmugom, Ph.D., and C. Sivashanmugam, Ph.D., V. Thayalan, Ph.D.
and C. Sivakumar, Ph.D. (Editors)
- Translation:
New Dimensions ...
C.Shunmugom, Ph.D., and C. Sivashanmugam, Ph.D., Editors
- Language of
Headlines in Kannada Dailies ...
M. N. Leelavathi, Ph.D.
- Cooperative Learning
Incorporating Computer-Mediated Communication: Participation, Perceptions,
and Learning Outcomes in a Deaf Education Classroom ...
Michelle Pandian, M.S.
- The Effects of
Age on the Ability to Learn English As a Second Language
... Mariam Dadabhai, B.A. Hons.
A. Joycilin Shermila, Ph.D.
- A Socio-Pragmatic
Comparative Study of Ostensible Invitations in English and Farsi
Mohammad Ali Salmani-Nodoushan, Ph.D.
Mohammad Ali Salmani-Nodoushan, Ph.D.
K. Chidambaram, Ph.D.
IN NEW ZEALAND ... Harunur Rashid Khan
Chandra Bose, Ph.D. Candidate
OF VISION IN LANGUAGE LEARNING in Children with Moderate to Severe Disabilities
Martha Louise Low, Ph.D.
S. Aparna, M.Sc.
Kamrul Hasan, Ph.D.
AND FACE in Indian Contexts... M. S. Thirumalai, Ph.D.
- Indian Contexts... M. S. Thirumalai, Ph.D.
- CIEFL Occasional Papers in
Linguistics, Vol. 10
- Language Acquisition,
Thought and Disorder - Some Classic Positions...
M. S. Thirumalai, Ph.D.
- English in India: Loyalty and
Attitudes by Annika Hohenthal
- Language In Science ...
M. S. Thirumalai, Ph.D.
- Vocabulary Education
B. Mallikarjun, Ph.D.
- A Contrastive Analysis of Hindi
and Malayalam ...
V. Geethakumary, Ph.D.
- Language of Advertisements
in Tamil Mass Media ...
Sandhya Nayak, Ph.D.
- An Introduction to TESOL:
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages ...
M. S. Thirumalai, Ph.D.
- Transformation of
Natural Language into Indexing Language: Kannada - A Case Study
B. A. Sharada, Ph.D.
- How to Learn Another Language?... M.S.Thirumalai, Ph.D.
- Verbal Communication with CP
Children ... Shyamala Chengappa, Ph.D. and M.S.Thirumalai,
- Bringing Order to Linguistic
Diversity - Language Planning in the British Raj ...
Ranjit Singh Rangila, M. S. Thirumalai,
and B. Mallikarjun
- E-mail your articles and book-length reports to
- Your articles and booklength reports should be written following the MLA, APA, LSA, or IJDL Stylesheet.
- The Editorial Board has the right to accept, reject, or suggest modifications to the articles submitted for publication, and to make suitable stylistic adjustments. High quality, academic integrity, ethics and morals are expected from the authors and discussants.
Would you like to announce the dates and venues of your conferences, seminars, etc., and also publish the outline proceedings of these programs? Send a report to Language in India.
Copyright © 2013 M. S. Thirumalai
Language in India is an Open Access Journal. Language in India does not charge readers or their institutions for access.
We have agreement with several database organizations such as EBSCOHost database, MLA International Bibliography and the Directory of Periodicals, ProQuest (Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts) and Gale Research for indexing articles and books published in Language in India. The journal is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals also.
The next issue (the issue of May, 2013) will be uploaded by the second week of May, 2013 or earlier.
- The Impact of Using the Native Language on Developing English Language Grammar Achievement ...
Mohammad Alseweed
- Standardization: Speaking and Reading Skills among Rural Students
Bharathi Raj. K and G. Baskaran, Ph.D.
- "Management Works in the System; Leadership Works on the System"
The Interpersonal Skills on Corporate Threshold
... Dr. Deepika Nelson, Ph.D.
- The Portrayal of Women in Anita Nair’s Ladies Coupé ...
Deepa. K., M.Phil.
- Literature as Prophecy in J. P. Clark’s “The Casualties” and
It’s Implications for Contemporary Nigerian Society
... Mark Ighile, Ph.D.
Eunice Nwodo
- Technology and Teachers ...
Ms. Deepti Jindal
- The Arabic Origins of "Animal Terms" in English, German, and French:
A Lexical Root Theory Approach ... Zaidan Ali Jassem
- Pronunciation Problems of the Marathi Speakers ...
Dr. Mrinalini Mukund Ghatage
- Orthography Theories and the Standard Igbo Orthography ...
Maduabuchi Sennen Agbo
- Sports:
A Universal Language of Cultural Exchange, Brotherhood and Empowerment ... Dr. A. Kaleb Rajan, Ph.D. and Dr. C. Johnson Premkumar, Ph.D.
- Using Mechanical Technique versus Cooperating with Peers Vocabulary Learning Strategy:
A Case of Iranian EFL Learners ... Maki Naeimi (Ph.D. Candidate) and Mozhgan Ghassemiazghandi (Ph.D. Candidate)
- A Psychoanalytical Study of D.H. Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover
S. Karthikeyan, M.A., M.Phil., M. Ed., SET., Research Scholar
- A Good Way for Teaching Vocabulary ...
Fahimeh Mirkamali, M.A. Student in TEFL Mojtaba Maghsoudi, Ph.D. in TEFL Fatemeh Azizmohammadi, Ph.D. in English Literature
- Language Acquisition Forum through Communicative Language Teaching ...
R. Malathi, M.A., M.Phil.
- The Comparison between Executive Interpreting and Simultaneous Interpreting in Learning Vocabulary by EFL Learners ...
Fatemeh Azizmohammadi, Ph.D. in English Literature Fatemeh Samadi, M.A. Student in TEFL
- The B.Ed. Institutions in Assam: A Need Based Analysis ...
Parbin Sultana, M.A., M. Phil., M.Ed.
- A Comparison on the Use of Language Learning Strategies by Male and Female Vietnamese Tertiary Students of
Non-English Majors
Nguyen Trong Nhan, M.A.
Ho Thi Lai, M.TESOL
- Errors Committed by Rural Students at UG Level in
Learning English as a Second Language
Dr. J. Preethi, M.A. (Ling.), M.A. (Eng.), M.A. (Tamil), M.Phil., Ph.D.
- The Relationship between Shyness and Local/Global
Reading Comprehension
Fatemeh Samadi, M.A. student in TEFL Mojtaba Maghsoudi, Ph.D. in TEFL Fatemeh Azizmohammadi, Ph.D. in English Literature
- Is Postmodernism Dead? ...
Rajendra Kumar Dash
- Suspense Strategies in Buchi Emecheta’s Head Above Water ...
Stephen Jantuah Boakye, M.Phil.
- Development and Validation of the Objectives for Language Stimulation Home Training Activity Manual in Hindi for Parents of the Children with Hearing Impairment ...
Rajeev Ranjan, B.Sc. (Speech and Hearing), MASLP, Ph.D. Candidate
Arun Banik, Ph.D.
- Assimilation of English Borrowings in Jaffna Tamil ...
V. Suntharesan, M.Phil. in Linguistics, Ph.D. Scholar
- Aspects in Manipuri and Kannada: A Contrastive Analysis ...
Dr. Manjulakshi L., Ph.D. (Linguistics) Dr. Soibam Rebika Devi, Ph.D. (Linguistics)
- An ERP Study of Semantic Processing in Kannada-English Typical Bilingual Individuals – A Pilot Study ...
Sunil Kumar. Ravi, M.Sc. - SLP
Shyamala. K. Chengappa, Ph.D. – Sp. & Hg.
Vijay Kumar Narne, Ph.D. – Sp. & Hg.
- Name Agreement Norms for a Set of 260 Pictures in Kannada
for Children
Wasim Ahmed, MASLP, Anusha N Murthy Aditi Gargeshwari and Nikitha M
- Mahesh Datani’s Dance Like a Man as an Epic Theatre ...
Dr. (Mrs.) N. Velmani., M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
- A Dalit Woman under a Strong Clutch of Patriarchy:
A Comprehensive Study of The Grip of Change
... Vaishali Shivkumar, M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil.
- English Listening Comprehension Problems of Students from
China Learning English in Malaysia
Wu Xiao Juan
Mohamad Jafre Zainol Abidin
- The Deteriorating Role of Parliament in Indian Society ...
Mohini Sharma, Ph.D. Research Scholar
- Weekly Notes: Practical Ideas for Research & Better Writing ...
- Creative Works ...
Various Authors - Vijaya, K.R., Raji Narasimhan; Bala Devi; Selvi Bunce; Tanu Kashyap, Kiran Sikka, Kaneez Fatima Syeda, V. Shoba
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C. Subburaman, Ph.D.
Department of Economics
Annamalai University
Tamilnadu, India
A Publication of
ISSN 1930-2940
CLAIMS ON NATIONAL RESOURCES - Complete Volume ... Editor: C. Subburaman, Ph.D.
- Synergy of Health, Poverty and Economic Development
(With Reference To Rural Odisha)
Anjali Dash
- The Challenges of Food Habits of Adolescent Children in Chennai City ...
Dr. R. Balasubramaniyan & Ms. D. Bhuvaneswari
- Inclusive Policy and Programme: Inclusive Healthcare ...
Jose Chacko Madhavassery, M.A. Economics, UGC NET
- A Study on Determinants of Maternal Mortality Rate in Tamil Nadu ...
Dr. S. Chandraleka, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. Dr. M. Rajeswari, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
- Health Insurance in India ...
J. Kalaisigamani
A. Sangameshwaran
- Economics of Health and Health Care Issues in India ...
V. Kaleeswari & Dr. T. Sridhar
- Poverty and Malnutrition ...
M. Kaliamoorthi
- Awareness Level of Health Habits among Working Women in Thanjavur District, Tamilnadu ...
V. Lalitha, M.Com., M.Phil., B.Ed., M.B.A., (Ph.D.) Research Scholar
D. Bharathidasan, M.Com., M.Phil.
- Health Insurance… Do You have a Choice? ...
Dr. K. B. Laliytha, B.D.S.
- Healthcare Expenditure in Mizoram
An Economic Appraisal ... C. Lalrinmawii, M.A, M.Phil. Dr. A. Duraisamy, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
- Estimation of Cost and Utilisation of Anti-Diabetic Drugs
in Geriatric Patients
V. P. Maheshkumar, M.Pharm., M.A. (Eco.), MBA, M.Phil.
Dr. C. K. Dhanapal, M.Pharm., Ph.D.
- Factors Determining Morbidity in Kerala ...
Nimisha P., M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed.
- Health Insurance Companies in India –
A Comparative Study
... Pranav S., Post-Graduate Student, MBA - Insurance Management
- An Overview of Tourism Industry and Its Impact on the Heath Status in Sikkim State ...
Praveen Rizal and R. Asokan
- A Study on Health Indicators and Their Determination
with Reference to India
Dr. S. Raja Rajan, M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D
- Choice of Curative Healthcare Provider among Urban Households in Tamil Nadu ...
Dr. M. Raju
- Health Insurance Market in India – The Way Forward ...
Dr. S.A. Senthil Kumar, M.B.A, M.Phil, PGDCA, Ph.D.
R. Ramamoorthy, M.B.A, M.Phil.
- Patient Perception and Travel Behaviour Pattern in Primary Health Care Center in Haripad Block -
A Micro Geo-Medical Study
... Dr. V. Saravanabavan
- An Impact of Stress Management on Employed Women ...
Dr. D. Rajasekhar M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
B. Sasikala M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. Research Scholar
- Economic Reforms and Health Sector:
Implications for Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
... Satyanarayana Rentala and Dr. Byram Anand
- Sexual Behaviour in India with High Risk of HIV/AIDS ...
T. Kavitha, Ph.D. Research Scholar
Dr. K. Suriyan
- An Economic Analysis of Health Status on Madurai District, Tamilnadu:
A Case study of Thirumangalum Taluk
S. Sridhar, M. Anandan and S. Ramaswamy
- Evaluation of Healthcare Services
“Why Did We Choose This Hospital?”
... T. R. Srinivas, BE, MBA
Dr. Surendra Prasad, MBA, LLB, PhD
- Theoretical Insight on the Socio-Emotional State of Adolescents ...
M. Valarselvan and Dr. K. Muralidharan
- Health Insurance in Rural India ...
B. Muthukrishnan M.B.A., M.Phil.
D. Rama Devi M.B.A., M.Phil.
Dr. S. A. Senthil Kumar M.B.A., M.Phil., PGDCA., Ph.D.
- Economic Growth and Public Expenditure:
A Case Study of Union Territory of Puducherry ... L. Annam Suresh Kumar Patra
- National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) & Health Status of
An Economic Analysis ... Suresh Kumar Patra, L.Annam & Prof. M. Ramadass
- Service Quality Measurement in Healthcare Sector in India ...
N. Ratna Kishor, MBA., M.Com., MHRM., M.Phil., Ph. D. Candidate
K. Hari Babu, Ph.D. Full Time Scholar
- Trends and Patterns of Health Expenditure in India ...
J. V. Arun and Dr. D. Kumar
- Cerebral Palsy Children: An Effective Home Care ...
C. K. V. Bhuvaneswari
- Trends and Patterns of Health Expenditure in India ...
J. V. Arun and Dr. D. Kumar

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- The maximum length of an article is set at 25 pages in 1.5 line space and this includes all appendices, etc. which form part of the article. Editing and formatting fee varies with the length of the materials submitted for publication. This editing and formatting fee meets only partially the costs of editing formatting, uploading, maintaining the article in the Internet and for doing repairs when necessary. The decision to publish or not publish depends solely on the merit and relevance of the article accepted.
- Every university-approved Ph.D. dissertation is charged Indian Rupees 3500 and M.Phil. Dissertation is charged Indian Rupees 3000 only. Masters dissertations are charged Indian rupees 2000 only. University-approved dissertations are not normally reviewed as these have already been approved after review by examiners by the universities. However, minor adjustments may be suggested for easy readability.
- Every monograph accepted for publication in Language in India will be charged Indian rupees 5000 only. For fees to publish the Proceedings of the Seminars and Conferences, please contact the Managing Editor. Services offered include editorial help, formatting and academic suggestions. High Quality and relevance of research and appropriate research methodology, total avoidance of plagiarism are some of our major concerns.
- Remember that Language in India is interested in publishing articles that bring out the application of concepts and principles to Indian languages and South Asian social sciences and adjacent sciences, including English language teaching and writing in India and other South Asian nations. We also welcome papers on other languages from other nations as well, following the age-old Indian tradition of welcoming knowledge from everywhere and to serve all. If you've used any one particular concept, idea, or theory, etc., please write about your experience in using these concepts, ideas, or theories, etc., and bring out how you, your co-workers, and your students have either benefited or not. Also include how you modified and/or used these concepts in your classrooms, etc. If what I say is difficult to follow, please see some of the recent articles in Language in India that apply concepts to Indian and South Asian contexts, etc. We are not interested in publishing a mere compendium of ideas from various sources. We are interested in publishing articles on all aspects of language structure and use.
- Language in India is an inter-disciplinary online monthly journal. So, we also seek to publish materials on all aspects of society and culture, research from adjacent sciences and related issues from around the world.
- Kindly note that once the article or dissertation etc. is published in Language in India, any publication of the same material in outside source in print or in electronic format can be done only with the permission of Language in India Any royalty that will accrue from the publication of materials already published in Language in India through other sources both in print and electronic format will have to be shared between the authors in a range that is favorable to the authors (75% for the authors and 25% to Language in India ), since Language in India does meet the major part of the cost of the initial publication of such materials.
- No new materials can be added once the article is published. Please ensure that when submitting your work names of all authors are included. No addition of author/s after formatting of the article is done and sent to the author/s is allowed. Please avoid including Bibliography. Instead please include only a List of References of all works cited within the text, including Internet sources. We generally follow the style sheets of APA, MLA, Indian Linguistics, IJDL and Language. But you need to restrict yourself to one style within your article. Standardization has become very difficult because Indian universities are still in the process of evolving a common style for their research publications. Readability and easy cross reference for future research should guide our authors in choosing an appropriate style in a consistent manner.
- Language in India publishes articles in major Indian languages. These articles in Indian languages will be published in the PDF format for easy accessibility.
- For further guidelines or clarification, please contact the Managing Editor: M. S. Thirumalai, Ph.D. via e-mail
- Authors of articles using Indian scripts are advised to send their articles also in the PDF format (in addition to the Word copy) to
Language In India is a monthly online journal devoted not only to the study of the languages spoken in the Indian sub-continent, but also to the study of society (history, sociology, politics, economics, etc.) in general around the world. We wish to present the scholarly research findings on the society and related subjects including study of languages in popular language. Our focus is on language use in mass media, education and administration, speech and hearing, sociolinguistic and political aspects relating to these languages and the society in the Indian subcontinent and elsewhere. We wish to present the linguistic descriptions, interdisciplinary research, and current issues of importance relating to Indian languages. Following the age-old tradition of Indian scholarship, the pages of this journal are open to scholarly articles on any language and society. We believe in co-operation and mutual help to foster amity between all peoples and their languages. This online journal publishes not only articles, but also book-length reports and studies. We want to be a blessing to Indian and other languages, praying for "strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow." We sincerely believe that every language deserves our whole-hearted support for growth and that every one can find its place in a mosaic of unity and understanding, serving each other and singing the glory of God.